Edgy is a diagram tool for creating diagrams rapidly and instantly share.Touch anywhere to add a word to the screen, and touch the words to link to new words. The menu button gives you more options.
A full user manual is included in the about screen.
Edgy is built upon the powerful web-based Google Charts API, and requires an active internet connection.
Use Edgy for:
* Brainstorming* Mind Maps (mindmapping, mindmaps, brain maps, etc.)* To-do lists* Process diagrams* Network diagrams* Flow charts* Software designs* Checklists
* Up to 200 nodes* Share graphs over email, Twitter, Facebook, multimedia text messages, and Bluetooth* Create DOT files for use with GraphViz or other compatible graph software (does not read DOT files)* Interactively connect nodes using the touch screen* Fully automatic layout* Fast server-based rendering* Supports tablets and expands to fit your screen* Optimized for speaking complex relationships with voice input keyboards* Small application size* Minimalist design
It is also great for mathematicians for graph theory as well as information professionals already familiar with GraphViz, as a notepad for beginning a graph, or as a start towards a more complex graph created on a full computer.
[email protected]://twitter.com/declarie